January 5, 2019

2019 and Time Moves On

I'm leaving it up to Yah what happens with The Black Folder Project this year.

It's been 17 years since I've had a black folder and I have shared it with all of my loved ones, but it hasn't gone beyond that.

I've since heard of death cafe's that seem to be taking off, so maybe it's time has come. 

Yeah, but I'm not struggling with trying to figure it out, just in prayer and meditation about it.

I still have it on my list of training sessions for The Richardson's and I'm going to go thru the process of offering the session, but without any struggle.  If one person shows up...then...one more person has a black folder.

Here's to 2019!


October 6, 2018

The Funeral and Death "Business"

I learned that death was a "business" when I buried my brother Paul Richardson who was murdered by gun violence in 1995. Emotion had to take a back seat and I put on my purchasing agent hat.

Burying your loved ones is a "business"...somebody is making money. Don't forget that. 

You need to be prepared BEFORE you have to bury your family member. Be smart now so that you will know what to do when death comes. We have to stop being "afraid" of talking about death. Death is apart of life and the economic system.

I found the below video and it resonated with me. People dying is a "business". This is a sad truth.

September 23, 2018

Another Death - Armand Brown

My son lost another one of his friends, this time to a car accident. His name was Armand Brown and he was almost 40.  Young.

With every lost, with every year I look at the empty black folders and KNOW I need to regroup and re-double my efforts.  So, today Sunday at 5:30 p.m. I sit at the shop and work on the below: 

1. New Cover for Training Material
2. Shorten the Training Sessions
3. Offer the Sessions

...and update my own black folder...

September 16, 2018

What If This Is True About Negroes? Who Are The Real Jews?

This is a video I can't unsee, I can't unhear it, I can't ignore it.

What if it is true that the "negroes" that came from Africa to the U.S. were from the Kingdom of Judah?

What if this is true?  What if this is true??? 

This is long but start at the 40 minute mark to get the gist of it.

August 5, 2017

The Message From Beyond

A man died that I barely knew.

We had only had a few interactions, but they were those that let me know he and I connected on some other worldly level.

So when he died unexpectedly I went into meditation within minutes of hearing of his death and the below is what came to me:

The Message

Live your life.  Be art. No fear.

Let go of timing. Let go of regrets  NO F-E-A-R.

Go Forward. Don't limit yourself. Be happy beyond belief.

Smile. Yes, here and now, smile.

Don't be afraid to speak up. You're smart.  You're wise.  Use what you have.

Connect. Connect.  Connect. 

Life is so short  More time is not promised. 

Don't be afraid to live your life.  Look at people.  Say hello.

Smile. Yes, here and now, smile.

You are on the right track, keep going.  Open up.  Be honest.  Love your family. Tell them.

Be present - Breathe. Breathe, Breathe. You still have breath, now focus and breathe. 

Breathe.  Yes, here and now, breathe. 

Appreciate you are here amongst the living.  Be grateful. Stay focused. Put things in order. Stop being grumpy, angry and disconnected ---stop that.  None of it really matters, only love matters.

Enjoy your life. Seek Peace. 

-by Ridea Richardson's and The Universal Power of Love that never dies

April 3, 2017

Finally Ready To Start Workshops

I'm finally ready to roll-out the workshops starting in May 2017.  This is mostly because I have a space to hold the workshops. The Richardson's Creative Space in Phoebus.