September 12, 2015

What Legacy Will You Leave?

The above is a tree that is on the grounds of Historic Brattonsville plantation.  Saw it while visiting during a "By the Sweat of our Brows" program.  

Being from the Williamsburg Virginia area I have visited many plantations. I am always drawn to the old trees on the these plantations because they are living which mean they were THERE during slavery.  

It is always interesting to watch the folks dressed in garp of that day retelling stories from training sessions that taught them what happened on that plantation or during those times. THEN I look at the gnarled trees with their large canopies that just STAND there KNOWING what happened. 

This tree says --- LOOK AT ME ---- LISTEN TO ME ---- I KNOW!

Then I think ---- what will last when I'm gone?  What will say I was here? What legacy will I leave? What about you??? What will stand and tell your story when you're gone? I mean really...think about that.