June 16, 2020

Two More One-On-One Black Folder Sessions

I am finding that maybe these sessions need to be one-on-one.  

I had a session with two young people (young to me) in their 30's and 40's and doing it one-on-one was great.

It was interesting allowing each of them to process the questions in their own way. 

It was interesting seeing how the questions impacted them. 

It was interesting to me that having and getting through cancer helps people understand the project more. 

In one of the sessions the black folder holder said --- "don't leave your black folder empty".  I liked that. I give them a workbook and an empty black folder.  I tell them what should be in the folder...your will, living will, power of attorney, letter to love ones, passwords to websites, etc. 

Maybe this project will be one by one. 

Next up - order more booklets and pens and keep it moving.  

Goal - Everyone has a black folder.