Back in 2001 when I started my own black folder it was out of necessity because it was after 9-11 and and I was flying a lot for work back then.
In 2012 when I thought of The Black Folder Project as something for others to experience it was before it's time.
When I got breast cancer in 2019 and daily could have died, it was like a fire was lit. I just kept thinking...are people kidding themselves? Tomorrow is not promised, face it, enjoy each day but get your affairs in order.
Today I picked-up the book A Beginner's Guide to the End and realize it's an idea whose time has come. Folks are finally ready to be practical about death and stop pretending it's not going to happen.
Moving forward with turning the shop into a place for those who are ready to clean up their affairs and not leave their family a mess when they leave. Moving forward...